Pr. prof. Ion Ciungu
“Vă îndemn deci,
înainte de toate, să faceţi cereri, rugăciuni, mijlociri, mulţumiri, pentru toţi
oamenii,” ... (Epistola întâia către
Timotei a Sfântului Apostol Pavel 2,1)
este o țară arabă situată în sud-vestul Asiei, pe coasta de sud-est a
Peninsulei Arabe. Se învecinează terestru cu Arabia Saudită, cu Emiratele Arabe
și cu Yemen, iar maritim cu Iran și cu Pakistan. ...
Ghidul cu cele 52 de
săptămâni poate fi găsit pentru a fi descărcat de la următorul link:
Why is Oman on the 2022 World Watch
2021, the Omani government intensified its monitoring of Christians and their
activities, placing Christians, especially converts from Islam, under higher pressure
and catapulting the country eight spots on this year’s World Watch List.
Additionally, violence rose as several Christians were forced to leave the
Where is God at work on the Arabian
We continue to meet believers who are praying fervently, often in secrecy. Suad, a Christian convert who lives on the Arabian Peninsula told us: “Now that I follow Christ, I have discovered the scriptures that describe prayer as incense, like Psalm 141:2. “My neighbors may not see me burning the incense, but the fragrance often reaches them, and those who enter my home will walk away with the fragrance on them.”
Oman, when a man leaves Islam, by law he automatically loses custody of any
How can I pray with Christians in
1: In Oman, fear is a barrier to the growth of the church. There is fear that
doubting Islam will prevent you from entering Heaven. Pray for the bondage of fear
to be broken.
2: Ask God to bless converts from Islam who risk everything to follow Christ in
Oman. Pray for their safety and livelihood.
3: Pray that God would bring other believers into their paths who will help
them grow in faith.
4: Pray for unmarried women whose families are pressuring them to marry a
Muslim man to force them to return to Islam.
5: Ask God to comfort Christians in Oman who are lonely, or who are currently
living at great risk for their faith.
6: So many Christians in Oman come from other countries and live and work as
migrant workers. Pray that these believers would find a community of faith.
7: Ask God to change the hearts of the Sultan and the other leaders of Oman.
God can do anything, including reaching Oman’s powerful leader with the hope of
the gospel.
am terminat de adresat invitația de a ne asocia în rugăciune pentru creștinii
din Oman.
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