Pr. prof. Ion Ciungu
“Vă îndemn deci,
înainte de toate, să faceţi cereri, rugăciuni, mijlociri, mulţumiri, pentru
toţi oamenii,” ... (Epistola întâia către
Timotei a Sfântului Apostol Pavel 2,1)
Somalia, țară situată în Cornul Africii, adică în cea
mai estică regiune a Africii, se învecinează cu Etiopia, Djibuti, Kenya, Golful
Aden și Oceanul Indian.
Ghidul cu cele 52 de săptămâni poate
fi găsit pentru a fi descărcat de la următorul link:
Why is Somalia on the 2022 World
Watch List?
small number of believers in Somalia are largely Christians who have converted
from Islam. Christians are viewed as high-value targets by Islamic radical groups.
Even when Christian converts are not targeted by extremists, they are intensely
pressured by their family and community.
Where is God at work in Somalia?
in the midst of the incredible persecution in Somalia, we have stories from
believers like “Nala,” who tells us: “Jesus has changed me. Previously, I didn’t
have happiness, but now I have joy. They called me weak, and that is true. I
know that until I came to know Jesus, I knew nothing at all.”
is one of the few places in the world that has banned the celebration of Christmas.
How can I pray with Christians in
1: Pray for peace in Somalia. The country continues to struggle with unrest and
violent attacks from Islamic extremists.
2: In Somalia, Islam is the state religion and every part of society is stacked
against Christians. Pray for believers living in this reality.
3: Open Doors has been working across the Horn of Africa (which includes many
countries, including Somalia) since the 1990s. Pray for our work and ask God to
let it bear much fruit.
4: Pray for the fighters in al-Shabab, that they would see the truth of Jesus
and His love for them.
5: Pray for secret Christians who must hide their faith from everyone.
6: Pray for Christians who are targeted by Islamic extremists. Ask God to
protect them and grant them hope.
7: Ask God to encourage His people in Somalia, that they would sense they
belong to a global family.
Aici am terminat de adresat invitația de a ne asocia
în rugăciune pentru creștinii din Somalia.
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