Pr. prof. Ion Ciungu
“Vă îndemn deci,
înainte de toate, să faceţi cereri, rugăciuni, mijlociri, mulţumiri, pentru
toţi oamenii,” ... (Epistola
întâia către Timotei a Sfântului Apostol Pavel 2,1)
țară din Asia Centrală, se învecinează cu Marea Caspică, Kazahstan, Uzbekistan,
Afganistan și Iran.
Ghidul cu cele 52 de
săptămâni poate fi găsit pentru a fi descărcat de la următorul link:
Why is Turkmenistan on the 2022
World Watch List?
government in Turkmenistan cracks down on anything perceived to be a threat to
its rule. Church leaders in Turkmenistan are especially targeted for persecution
because Muslims hold them responsible for leading people away from Islam. And
Christians who have converted from Islam face significant pressure, even
violence, from family and their communities.
Where is God at work in
Ilmurad gives us a picture of God’s restoration. Falsely accused of fraud, he
served four years in prison and was even told he would be released if he denied
his faith. Ilmurad’s refusal led to hard labor during the day and sleeping on a
cement floor at night. Today, he has largely recovered and continues to pastor
despite the risk, discipling believers and training them to disciple others.
capital city of Ashgabat has the highest density of white marble buildings in
the world—initiated after the country gained independence from the Soviet Union
in 1991.
How can I pray with Christians in
1: Pray for church pastors who risk false accusations and jail. Ask God to give
them both wisdom and courage as they lead.
2: Pray with ex-prisoners like Pastor Ilmurad to be able to stand strong and
return to lead their communities through the pain of persecution.
3: Ask God to reach the hearts of Turkmenistan authorities. The president acts
as a dictator, and his rule stretches over every part of society.
4: Pray that Christians would be able to reach out freely and that their lives
would reflect the truth of the gospel.
5: Pray for Open Doors partners in the entire Central Asian region as they work
among Muslim majority areas.
6: Pray that Christians would be strengthened with the knowledge that they are
part of a global Church, and not on their own.
7: Pray for peace and order in the former Soviet republic, where its citizens
are subjected to the current president’s random whims and edicts.
am terminat de adresat invitația de a ne asocia în rugăciune pentru creștinii
din Turkmenistan.
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