Pr. prof. Ion Ciungu
“Vă îndemn deci, înainte de toate, să faceţi cereri, rugăciuni, mijlociri, mulţumiri, pentru toţi oamenii,” ... (Epistola întâia către Timotei a Sfântului Apostol Pavel 2,1)
țară din nord-vestul Africii, se învecinează cu Tunisia, Libia, Niger, Mali,
Mauritania, Sahara Occidentală, Maroc și Marea Mediterană.
... ...
Ghidul cu cele 52 de săptămâni poate fi găsit pentru a fi
descărcat de la următorul link:
Why is Algeria on the 2022 World
Watch List?
Christians make up a tiny percentage of the population of Algeria, they face
increasing obstacles to religious freedom. Laws regulating non-Muslim worship
ban anything that would “shake the faith of a Muslim” or be used as “a means of
seduction intending to convert a Muslim to another religion.”
Where is God at work in Algeria?
anonymous pastor brings us a report from Algeria. Algeria was known for many
years because of the growth of the church. And that hasn’t changed, even with
restrictive laws in place: “I don’t think this situation affects the number of
conversions. This can be seen in the contacts we have on social networks. Many
people seek to know and hear more about the gospel.”
has one of the biggest communities of converts from Islam to Christianity in
the wider Middle East.
How can I pray with Christians in
1: Pray for churches that have been closed to reopen, and for laws forbidding
religious freedom to be repealed.
2: Ask God to bring release for Christians arrested or detained for something
as simple as selling Christian books.
3: Pray for Christians living in places where they are targeted by Islamic
extremists. Ask God to keep them safe.
4: Pray that the church closures would cease.
5: Pray for the leadership of Algeria, that they would be open to religious
freedom for people of all faiths.
6: Ask God to reach people with the gospel, through the Internet or television
or any other way He sees fit.
7: Pray that Algerian Christians who’ve converted from Islam will be protected
from harassment, violence and rejection.
am terminat de adresat invitația de a ne asocia în rugăciune pentru creștinii
din Algeria.
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