Pr. prof. Ion Ciungu
“Vă îndemn deci, înainte de toate, să faceţi cereri, rugăciuni, mijlociri, mulţumiri, pentru toţi oamenii,” ... (Epistola întâia către Timotei a Sfântului Apostol Pavel 2,1)
este o țară transcontinentală, extinzându-se de pe cornul nord-estic al Africii
până pe cornul sud-vestic al Asiei, printr-un pod terestru format de peninsula
Sinai. Se învecinează cu Marea Mediterană, Fâșia Gaza (Palestina), Israelul,
Marea Roșie, Sudan și Libia. Golful Aqaba separă Egiptul de Iordania și de
Arabia Saudită.
Ghidul cu cele 52 de
săptămâni poate fi găsit pentru a fi descărcat de la următorul link:
Why is Egypt on the 2022 World
Watch List?
challenges facing Christians in Egypt remain largely unchanged from previous
years, although there has been a drop in levels of violence. This is most
likely linked to COVID-19 restrictions. Christian activities have significantly
decreased, which invites less provocation, and would-be perpetrators have been
off the streets due to lockdowns. The biggest threat for converts from Islam to
Christianity continues to come from family members.
What is life like for Christians?
persecution of Christians in Egypt commonly occurs at community level.
Incidents range from Christian women being harassed while walking in a street
to whole communities of Christians being forced to move out of their homes by
mobs of Muslim extremists. Such events typically happen in Upper Egypt, where
ultra-conservative Islamic Salafist movements are active in rural communities.
Christians from a Muslim background face enormous pressure from their families
to return to Islam. The state also makes it impossible for them to get any
official recognition of their conversion.
children as young as five get Christian tattoos to show their identity as
Christ followers.
Where is God at work in Egypt?
“Adel” was ridiculed for being from a Christian family before he ever really
knew Jesus. It was only when he started attending a children’s ministry, with
support of Open Doors partners, that he found out more about Jesus. Now he
loves to tell others about his faith! “Knowing God makes me feel
Adel says. “I know I have a father in heaven I can always talk to. That’s
amazing.” God is moving among His people in Egypt!
How can I pray with Christians in
1: Pray for stable and fulfilling work for Christian men, so they can provide
for their families.
2: Pray for our ministry partners in Egypt, that they would strengthen the
Egyptian church.
3: Pray for the protection and flourishing of Christian women.
4: Ask God to deliver Christian women who have been forced into marriage with a
Muslim man, that He would give them hope in this devastating circumstance.
5: It’s hard for Christians to build new churches or other buildings in Egypt.
Pray that God would smooth the path for these vital places of discipleship.
6: When an Egyptian Christian is martyred, they leave behind a family and
community that heals slowly. Ask God to help these believers recover.
7: Pray that God will change the hearts of influential local leaders, to
recognize and value the contribution Christians make to society.
am terminat de adresat invitația de a ne asocia în rugăciune pentru creștinii
din Egipt.
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