Pr. prof. Ion Ciungu
Iisus a zis și zice: "Pace vă las
vouă, pacea Mea o dau vouă, nu precum dă lumea vă dau Eu." (Sfânta Evanghelie
după Ioan 14, 27)
Iisus a zis și zice: "Fericiţi făcătorii de pace, că aceia fiii lui Dumnezeu se vor chema." (Sfânta Evanghelie după Matei 5, 9)
Iisus a zis și zice: "Întoarce
sabia ta la locul ei, că toţi cei ce scot sabia, de sabie vor
pieri!" (Sfânta Evanghelie după Matei 26, 52)
Iisus a zis și zice: "Nu judecaţi
după înfăţişare, ci judecaţi judecată dreaptă!" (Sfânta Evanghelie
după Ioan 7, 24)
On this #WomensDay we
remember the countless Palestinian women who have lost their lives, their loved
ones, and their homes. Their strength, resilience and courage in the face of
adversity continue to inspire the world. ...
On this Women's Day, we
honor the fierce spirit of Palestinian women.
Women on the front line
┃ Between Us
On International
Women’s Day, Al Jazeera’s journalists Teresa Bo, Fahmida Miller, and Maram
Humaid reflect on what it's like to report from some of the world’s most
challenging regions. From their experience, it's clear that women’s voices are
not only vital in journalism but also in the communities they serve.
Palestine calls on
international community to ensure protection of Palestinian women
On International
Women’s Day, Foreign Ministry highlights devastating toll of Israel’s war on
Gaza, with over 12,298 women killed, thousands forcibly displaced,
Israeli forces killed
24 Palestinian female journalists during war on Gaza: Government spokesperson
‘Their status as women
could not protect them from the Israeli army nor could their journalistic
immunity shield them from the murderous entity,’ says Salama Maarouf,
International Women’s
Day is for the few, not the many
Today, there will be an
attempt to erase Palestinian women once again because their plight is
politically inconvenient for Western feminism.
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