Pr. prof. Ion Ciungu
Iisus a zis și zice: "Pace vă las
vouă, pacea Mea o dau vouă, nu precum dă lumea vă dau Eu." (Sfânta Evanghelie
după Ioan 14, 27)
Iisus a zis și zice: "Fericiţi făcătorii de pace, că aceia fiii lui Dumnezeu se vor chema." (Sfânta Evanghelie după Matei 5, 9)
Iisus a zis și zice: "Întoarce
sabia ta la locul ei, că toţi cei ce scot sabia, de sabie vor
pieri!" (Sfânta Evanghelie după Matei 26, 52)
Iisus a zis și zice: "Nu judecaţi
după înfăţişare, ci judecaţi judecată dreaptă!" (Sfânta Evanghelie
după Ioan 7, 24)
‘Let us pray for the
victims of the Jewish genocide in Gaza’
Polish Member of
Parliament Grezgors Braun interrupts a minute's silence in the European
Parliament for the victims of the Holocaust,
Polish far-right MEP
ejected from European Parliament after disrupting Holocaust tribute, Jan 29,
Aboard Air Force One,
President Trump says he would like Palestinians in warn-torn Gaza to move to
Jordan and Egypt and "just clean out that whole thing.",
Can Trump's idea to 'clean out' Gaza work? Jordan
and Egypt say 'Palestinians NOT welcome',
Trump Red-faced After
'Clean Gaza' Shocker? U.S. Ally Jordan Fumes, Egypt Denies POTUS-Sisi Call Vezi
mai puţin
U.S. President
#DonaldTrump faced renewed backlash after he reiterated his idea to move
Palestinians from #Gaza to Egypt and Jordan. While addressing reporters on
Tuesday, Trump said he had a discussion about the same with his Egyptian
counterpart. However, Egypt media denied that any conversation took place
between Trump & Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Jordan also made it clear that
Trump's plan was not feasible. Watch.
Trump's 'Clean Gaza'
Offer Snubbed; U.S. Ally Egypt Declares, 'Won't Participate In Injustice'
#Egypt joins Jordan in
rejecting U.S. President #DonaldTrump's controversial proposal to relocate
Palestinians from #Gaza, viewing it as an injustice. Egyptian President Abdel
Fattah el-Sisi called the idea of forced displacement a violation of
Palestinian rights and a threat to regional stability.
October 2023
Gaza–Israel conflict,
Aici se încheie acest
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